When The North Wind Blows

The changing of seasons is getting into me again. The air is dry. Words are becoming blurry. My nostrils feel parched. Here I sit overwhelmed by lethargy wondering morosely what else I can do to overcome this. I have been hydrating my skin with water. There is the temptation to run the air conditioner. I have been drinking more than usual too. No thanks to that, there is the urge to empty my bladder more frequently. Chinese New Year is definitely just around the corner. The symptoms are unmistakable.

Looking For A Reliable Webhost

The webhosting contract for this blog and several others that I am maintaining is expiring on February 1. I am currently looking for a webhost that is reliable, provides good support and charges a reasonable price for the plan that I require. All in, I need a Linux plan with CPanel, 2GB space, 10GB monthly bandwidth and the usual features thrown in by the major webhosting companies. If you are a webhost or is a blogger using a plan that fits my requirement, please drop a comment here or send an email to me. Thank you.